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Waste collection policy - Properties not suitable for the standard service some instances, properties may not be suitable for the standard service. This may include, but not limited to: Flatted areas where other forms of storage wou...
Gorleston Beach Hut Licence Agreement and Terms & Conditions of Hire licensing agreement and the terms and conditions that apply for hiring beach huts on Gorleston beach
Scrutiny Committee Scrutiny Committee acts as a key democratic mechanism for holding public-service decision-makers and providers to account as well as facilitating the improv...
Selective Licensing Scheme Selective Licensing scheme ended as of 7 January 2024.
Safeguarding - How do I report my concerns? you can do if you have a concern about safeguarding.
Notice of poll and situation of polling stations for Hemsby of poll for the referendum on the adoption of the Hemsby Neighbourhood Plan taking place on 22 June 2023
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in employment, in recruitment and the services we provide.
Declaration of Result of Poll - Rollesby Parish of poll
Investors - Tracing owners owners can be tricky, here are some ideas to help.
Affordable housing - How is affordable housing developed? are several different ways in which affordable housing can be delivered.
Audit, Risk and Standards Committee purpose of the Audit, Risk and Standards Committee is to monitor governance, risk management and internal control, to ensure these are efficient and effecti...
Local land charges - Introduction of local land charge fees including LLC1, CON29, Q2 and Q22 searches.