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  • Domestic Abuse policy - 3. Related legislations and documents

    Legislations and documents related to the Domestic Abuse policy.

  • Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members - Identification of the Problem

    Whilst it is for the individual themselves to recognise they are a victim of domestic abuse, there are signs which may indicate an employee may be a victim.

  • Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members - Professional Role and Risk Management

    All organisations should have clear policies in line with those from the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board for dealing with allegations against people who wor...

  • Safeguarding policy - 10. Safeguarding in Photography

    Data protection legislation applies to photographic and film materials.

  • Market Licence policy - 20. Electricity

    A 240v electricity supply is currently available on the Market.

  • Market Licence policy - 23. Health and safety

    Traders have a legal duty of care to maintain the health and safety of their employees, other traders and visitors to their stall and must comply with the Healt...

  • The Mayor - Who is the mayor?

    Cllr Graham Plant is our current Mayor. If you wish to invite the Mayor to a local event you can submit an application form for consideration.

  • Current Local Plan

    The Local Plan is the basis for all future developments in the Borough and is based on up-to-date, relevant evidence about the economic, social and environmenta...

  • Community outreach - Community partnerships

    Information about the two community partnerships that run across the Borough, for Great Yarmouth and the Northern Villages, and Gorleston and the Southern Paris...

  • Tree Preservation Orders

    A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the local planning authority which makes it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or wil...

  • Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023-24 - 5. Housing Revenue Account

    Since the introduction of self-financing in 2012, the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) business plan has continued to be challenged by several changes. Right to bu...

  • Procedure for Internal Review of an Asset of Community Value Listing

    This article sets out the procedure for Internal Review of an Asset of Community Value Listing

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