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Bench dedication plaques - What is the fee for a dedication plaque on a bench? current fee to supply and fit a brass or stainless steel plaque is £230 plus VAT for an initial period of 10 years, after which you have the option of renew...
Councillor Code of Conduct - What happens next on how we deal with a complaint about a Councillor
Rubbish and recycling - My bin has been damaged or lost, what can I do? your black waste bin or green recycling bin has been lost or damaged, you can order a replacement refurbished bin by calling us or via our online form.
Tenancy policy - 2. Policy aims policy aims to provide clarity, establish sustainable tenancies, balance individual and community needs, and standards for behaviour within the law and othe...
Guidance on bonfires - Introduction to the bonfire guidance are an historic way of disposing of rubbish. However, they can be a cause of pollution so are not the most environmentally friendly way of getting rid ...
Safeguarding policy - 9. Record keeping must always be made with great care.
Flooding on whether your property is at risk of flood and what to do if you are affected.
Extreme weather weather is becoming more frequent event in the United Kingdom and across the world and there are several things you can do to be prepared.
How to report flooding you should contact in the event of a flood.
Market Licence policy - 5. Identity must provide and display in a prominent and visible location on their stall, a legible, well presented sign of a minimum size of 300 mm x 300 mm showing...
Market Licence policy - 14. Vehicle manoeuvres must ensure that they observe a maximum vehicle speed of five miles per hour when on or in the vicinity of the Market and that vehicles display hazard w...
Market Licence policy - 22. Litter and trade waste is the sole responsibility of traders to ensure the safe management of waste in and around their stall.