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Elections and voting - What is a BID Ballot? is to give notice that a ballot is to be held on renewing the Business Improvement District (BID) arrangements in respect of the Greater Yarmouth Tourism &...
Rubbish and recycling - What should I do with commercial, business and trade waste? cannot dispose of this waste as you would household waste. Some recycling centres will accept small amounts of commercial/trade waste at a charge.
Coming soon: Great Yarmouth Beach Huts next to North Drive, the Great Yarmouth Beach Huts will sit on there own purpose built base recessed just back from the Promenade. You can expect specta...
Housing repairs policy - Cyclical maintenance, servicing and compliance checks repairs policy statement on cyclical maintenance
Armed Forces Covenant Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.
Housing repairs policy - Appendix E - Compensation for improvements E of the Housing Repairs Strategy with details of compensation for improvements.
Five-year housing land supply position statement (as at 01 April 2023) - Identifying and assessing deliverable sites to inform the housing land supply NPPF sets out the requirements for sites that may be included within the five-year supply. It states that for a site to be considered within the five-year s...
Garden maintenance scheme application you are a council tenant, you can join our garden maintenance scheme by completing our garden maintenance scheme application form.
Road and property naming and numbering - guidelines and examples - General applying for an official address is important Legislation requires that each property is assigned a formal address. Without this, occupiers may experience p...
Habitats regulations assessment guidance and forms for assessing the impacts on internationally-protected wildlife sites, plus a shadow HRA template.
Application for a Licence for a House in Multiple Occupation - Guidance notes making an application for a licence for a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO), please ensure that you have read this guidance.
Why should I do anything with my empty property? - What powers do local authorities have? priority is to work with owners to bring their properties back into use by offering information, guidance and support where we can. Enforcement action is us...