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Make a tenancy complaint this form to make a complaint about a tenant/tenancy.
End of tenancy notification this form to end your tenancy on your council house or to advise us if you are surrendering the tenancy of a council home on behalf...
Gender pay gap data from the Council's gender pay gap data.
Data protection - What counts as personal data? We collect it to provide you with certain services, or for legal purposes like Council Tax or electoral registration. We do...
Council Tax Discounts, Exemptions and Support - Can I appeal the decision? you disagree with our decision on your Council Tax Support, you can ask us to give you further explanation of our decision, review...
Debt advice - How should I prioritise my debts? example: Not paying rent, service charges or mortgage - you may lose your home Council Tax - you could be imprisoned Gas and electricity...
Council Tax Discounts, Exemptions and Support - What should I do if my circumstances change? you currently receive a discount, exemption or support in your Council Tax you must tell us if: you move home, your rent or landlord...
Login / Register Account is our free service available to all Great Yarmouth Borough Council website users that enables you to maintain a record of...
Ending your tenancy and moving out - What do I have to do before moving out? for that address, send their final bills and, if necessary, disconnect the service Contact the Housing Benefit and Council
Pay policy statement 2023-24 - Tax avoidance Council is committed to tackling all forms of tax avoidance and therefore encourages the direct employment of staff and pays them...
Pay policy statement 2024-25 - 5. Tax avoidance Council is committed to tackling all forms of tax avoidance and therefore encourages the direct employment of staff and pays them...
Universal Credit - What is Universal Credit? six working age benefits for Jobseeker's Allowance, Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credit, Income Support, Child Tax Credit...