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Rubbish and recycling - What should I do with commercial, business and trade waste? cannot dispose of this waste as you would household waste. Some recycling centres will accept small amounts of commercial/trade waste at a charge.
Get involved in your community - Cultural Connections Volunteering about Cultural Connections, the new, inclusive volunteering project running across Great Yarmouth and East Suffolk.
Complaint handling code self-assessment - Complaint handling staff status and additional notes for Section 4 criteria of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code.
Tenancy policy - 10. Appeals and complaints is important that tenants and prospective tenants are able to appeal against decisions made in regard to this Tenancy Policy in a clear, fair and efficient p...
Housing repairs policy - Cyclical maintenance, servicing and compliance checks repairs policy statement on cyclical maintenance
Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members - Confidentiality and Right to Privacy who disclose experiencing abuse can be assured that the information they provide is confidential and will not ordinarily be shared with other members ...
Digital strategy (2024) out our digital vision to become a Smart Borough, where digital will be the first choice for our customers and no one will be left behind.
Self-build and custom housebuilding - Register of self-build and custom housebuilding interest and custom housebuilding register for those wanting to register their interest in a self-build housing project.
List of amended areas - Interim polling district review 2024 of amended areas - interim polling district review 2024
Repairs service - How do I make an improvement to my home? line with your tenancy agreement, you have the right to make alterations and improvements to your home, however you must first get written consent from us.
Fire Precautions in Dwellings - Record keeping: fire precautions on keeping records for fire precautions.
Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing will link the A47 at Harfrey's roundabout to the port and Enterprise Zone in the South Denes as well as improving access...