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Licensing policy how we consider applications for licenses.
Right to Buy - What happens to applications? receipt of your application form, we will send an acknowledgement by post. We will also arrange a time to visit you at your home as part of the verifi...
Resident Advantage Card - Introducing the Resident Advantage Card a resident of the Borough you can get a Resident Advantage Card that entitles you to certain discounts and offers redeemable within the Borough.
Houses in multiple occupation to apply for a Houses in Multiple Occupation license. HMOs are houses or flats occupied by three or more persons, shared by two or more households where t...
Rollesby Neighbourhood Plan - Rollesby Neighbourhood Plan examination information and material for the Rollesby Neighbourhood Plan.
Filby Neighbourhood Plan - Filby Neighbourhood Plan examination and material relating to the examination of the Filby Neighbourhood Plan.
What is anti-social behaviour? on what is anti-social behaviour, with examples.
Archive of Local Plan Part 2 preparation and examination Local Plan Part 2 now forms part of the formal development plan for the area.
Fleggburgh Neighbourhood Plan - Fleggburgh Neighbourhood Plan examination information for the Fleggburgh Neighbourhood Plan.
Affordable housing - How affordable is housing in Great Yarmouth? issues arise with low incomes even with the lower house prices and lower rents.
Use of Clinical Commissioning Group data document details how national and commissioning datasets are handled for health and social care services within Norfolk and Waveney.
Middlegate regeneration - Middlegate estate improvements on the improvements to the outdoor play and social spaces around the Middlegate Estate.