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Housing repairs policy - Respecting each other Repairs policy statement on respect, equality and working appropriately in tenants homes.
Housing repairs policy - Appendix A - tenant and landlord responsibilities repairs policy list of responsibilities to support the policy.
Park rules - Beaumont Caravan Park, Bradwell of the rules in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained at Beaumont Caravan Park, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth
Park rules - Marsh Farm Park Home of the rules in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained at Marsh Farm Park Home.
Tenancy policy - 5.1. Introductory Tenancies Tenancies will be offered to all new social tenants and are 12 months by statute. Introductory tenants have less security and fewer rights than sec...
Safeguarding policy - 13. Safe Working Practices guidelines promote positive, safe working practices.
Local validation checklist and planning application forms - Application for variation/removal of condition checklist requirements for the variation or removal of condition
Tenant Satisfaction Measures Results for 2023/24 of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey for 2023/24
Records management policy - Definitions data Personal data means 'any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person . An identifiable natural person is one who can be i...
Planning and building control data page contains raw planning and building control data in tabular and geographic format.
Rubbish and recycling - How can I get rid of garden waste? can recycle garden waste and uncooked vegetable peelings in your brown bin - we collect your brown bin once a fortnight for most of the year.
Amenity Standards for Privately Rented dwellings - Kitchen Facilities for Exclusive Use of Individual Letting or Bedsit individual bedsit rooms are large enough to accommodate a kitchenette or multi-room bedsits where one of the rooms is of adequate size to accommodate a se...