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Renting your empty property

Becoming a landlord

Don't underestimate the work involved in managing a property. If you are interested there are a number of guides available. 

Further advice on becoming a private landlord can be found in our Private rented housing advice section.

Managing agents

If becoming a landlord sounds daunting, or you have other commitments, then you can have the property managed on your behalf.

Management agents will, for a fee, find tenants, collect rent and maintain the property. Ensure you research which is the best in the area for your type of property.

Tax implications

Tax will be charged on income received from rental properties after allowable expenses are deducted. 

For more information on the tax implications of renting property, contact HMRC for a copy of the Property Income Manual (opens new window).

Property guardians

Property guardian services operate in Great Yarmouth; there are several companies offering this service. If this is something you would like to explore, ensure you research the subject well. The Property Guardian Providers Association (opens new window) website has useful information and provides details of its members who have to meet safety and standards regulations.

Council advice

In some circumstances the Council is able to introduce prospective tenants to you, plus provide a deposit and rent in advance where necessary. To discuss this please contact the Housing Options Team or visit our advice for private landlords page.

Last modified on 08 April 2024

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