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Procurement - Supplying the Council Council strives to achieve value for money and efficiency in its procurement of goods, services and works and does so within an environment...
Domestic Abuse - How the council can help you don't feel safe at home due to domestic abuse, you can contact our housing options team by either calling into Greyfriars House or by telephone or email....
Council meetings and Committees prior to 2023 agendas and minutes for meetings prior to May 2023.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Constitution Council's Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made, and the procedures that are followed to ensure that...
Taxi licensing - What is the Council's Taxi Licensing Policy? current policy was adopted in June 2022. If you would like a copy of the policy, please email .
Make a comment, compliment or complaint about the Council this form to pass us your comments and feedback or to make a complaint
Event safety: a guide for parish councils Yarmouth Borough Council wants events across its area to provide a safe and positive experience for borough residents and visitors....
Domestic Abuse policy - 6. Council advice and services Council advice and services 6.1. The Council is the largest landlord in the borough. Through provisioning a homelessness support, housing...
Comments, compliments and complaints - Great Yarmouth Borough Council's aims aim to provide high quality services to anyone who lives, works or visits here. If you are happy with the work we do, or if you want to complain about a serv...
Great Yarmouth Community Hub Support - Norfolk Client Hardship Service about the Norfolk County Council Client Hardship Team, formerly Norfolk Assistance Scheme, which can support Great Yarmouth...
Management structure of the Council's management structure.
I'm an empty home owner, what should I know? an empty property owner you are losing money, when the asset could be making you money.