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Domestic Abuse policy

9. Multi-Agency Working

  1. 9. Multi-Agency Working

  2. 9.1. The Council recognises that when an individual is experiencing domestic abuse many other agencies may be involved in their care. To understand the needs of the individual officers will work closely with Great Yarmouth's Community Hub, which is a collaboration hub with other agencies to develop an agreed support plan. Staff also participate in the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Partnership Group (DASVG) and Norfolk Domestic Abuse Partnership Board.
  3. 9.2.    Agencies working through the Community Hub include:
    • Police
    • Specialist domestic abuse services (NIDAS or Leeway)
    • Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVA)
    • Adult Social Services
    • Children's Services
    • Mental Health
    • Doctors
    • Schools/Colleges
    • Legal Advisory Services
    • Registered Providers
    • Other Councils  
  4. 9.3. MARAC (The Multi Agency Risk Assessment Co-ordination) assess and provide detailed support plans for the most serious cases where persons are either at risk of or experienced domestic abuse. All victims who scores high on a DASH Assessment they will be referred to MARAC.
  5. 9.4. Referrals to MARAC can be made with or without consent. Referrals made without consent will be made to protect the victim and their family from potentially serious harm.
  6. 9.5. On a regular basis staff members from the homeless department attend various partnership boards.
Last modified on 13 December 2023

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