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Domestic Abuse policy

3. Related legislations and documents

  1. 3. Related legislations and documents

    1. 3.1. Related legislation include:
      • Domestic Abuse Act (2021)
      • Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act (2014)
      • Children Act 1989 as amended 2004
      • Clare's Law/Domestic Abuse Offender Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) (2014)
      • Data Protection Act (2018)
      • Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004)
      • Equality Act (2010)
      • Family Law Act (1996)
      • Female Genital Mutilation Act (2003)
      • Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act (2007)
      • Homelessness Act (2002)
      • Housing Act (1988, 1996)
      • Human Rights Act 1998
      • Police and Justice Act 2006
      • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
      • Serious Crime Act 2015
      • Stalking Protection Act (2019)
    2. 3.2. Related documents include:
      • Great Yarmouth Borough Council Safeguarding policy
      • Great Yarmouth Borough Council Domestic Abuse Policy - Staff and Members 2023
      • Norfolk Domestic Abuse Housing Protocol 2002-2025
      • Great Yarmouth Borough Council Anti-social Behaviour policy 2018
Last modified on 13 December 2023

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