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Domestic Abuse policy

8. Perpetrator accountability

  1. 8. Perpetrator Accountability

  2. 8.1. We understand that perpetrators of Domestic Abuse may approach the council for help with homelessness advice. The Council can be approached for help by calling 01493 846140. In this scenario, the caller will be assisted to find alternative accommodation. However, they may be disqualified from joining the Council Allocation scheme if they are the proven perpetrator of Domestic Abuse. For more information, please see the Council's Allocation Scheme.
  3. 8.2. Being a perpetrator does not exclude a person from Statutory Homeless Duties owed to them. 
  4. 8.3. If a perpetrator of Domestic Abuse approaches the Council wanting help to address their behaviour, we will signpost the individual to the appropriate services.
Last modified on 15 December 2023

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