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Register for housing - How many bedrooms will I be allowed? on how many bedrooms you will be allowed when applying for housing.
Register for housing - Who cannot go on the list? online application will ask a number of questions that will assess whether you are eligible to go on the list.
Register for housing - Who can go on the waiting list? all eligible applicants will be able to join the Housing Register. The Council's Housing Allocations Scheme includes a number of disqualification and qualif...
Register for housing demand for social housing in Great Yarmouth is too high for us to meet it. We have been forced to restrict who can go on the waiting list and who can't.
Advice for private landlords - How can I end a tenancy in a property? you want a tenant to leave your property, you need to serve the relevant notice.
Advice for private landlords Yarmouth Borough Council invites you to attend the Landlords Forum
Advice for private landlords - Introduction law, any property you let as a private landlord must meet certain standards. You should make sure you understand your rights and responsibilities as a landlo...
Your tenancy agreement - Can I change my name on my tenancy? can complete an tenancy amendment form and send in the relevant proof required if you need to change your name on a tenancy agreement.
Your tenancy agreement - Can I add someone to my tenancy agreement? about adding a person to your tenancy with the Council.
Your tenancy agreement - Can I buy the home I rent from you? can find out more about your Right to Buy your Council home on If you are interested in applying you should contact us.
Your tenancy agreement - Can I pass on my Council tenancy to someone else? are two main ways your tenancy can be passed on to someone else, either through Succession or Assignment
Your tenancy agreement - Who gets the house if my relationship with my partner breaks down? you break up with your spouse or partner you should contact your local to discuss how this will affect your tenancy. You can also contact a solicitor or if ...