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Mutual Exchange - What is House Exchange? Exchange connects people with secure tenancies in either Council or registered provider (housing association) properties, to agree an exchange of properti...
Mutual Exchange Exchange is a service that secure tenants in social housing can use to find a home that better suits their needs.
Mutual Exchange - Introduction Exchange is a service that secure tenants in social housing can use to find a home that better suits their needs.
Estate and garden maintenance - Can I help improve my estate? you can help improve your estate plus information on the Small Community Grant.
Estate and garden maintenance maintenance services, for tenants and council estates, aim to make sure your local estate is kept clean and tidy throughout the year.
Estate and garden maintenance - Introduction maintenance services, for tenants and council estates, aim to make sure your local estate is kept clean and tidy throughout the year.
Deposit protection scheme - Can I evict my tenant without returning their deposit?, you can only get a possession order from the court if: you return the deposit to your tenant in full (or with agreed deductions) the tenant has made a tenan...
Deposit protection scheme - How does the deposit protection scheme work? landlord or letting agent must protect the deposit within 30 days.
Deposit protection scheme - Who are the providers of the schemes? are three government-approved schemes.
Deposit protection scheme - What types of scheme are there? the two types of deposit protection scheme.
Deposit protection scheme landlords are legally required to use a deposit protection scheme to safeguard deposits taken for assured shorthold tenancy agreements. The landlord must re...
Deposit protection scheme - Introduction landlords are legally required to use a deposit protection scheme to safeguard deposits taken for assured shorthold tenancy agreements. The landlord must re...