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Monitoring and evidence - Five-year housing land supply position statement sets out whether there is sufficient land available for housing to meet housing needs over a five-year period.
Privacy Notice: HAZ Grant we will use your personal information for the purposes of administering Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) grants and providing ongoing business support. This is de...
Tenancy policy - 8. Mutual exchanges tenants and flexible secure tenants (i.e., fixed term) have a legal right to exchange tenancies under the Housing Act 1985.
Housing repairs policy - Rechargeable repairs repairs policy information on when repairs are recharged.
Market Licence policy - 17. Stall set up and de rig day and casual traders must supply, erect and dismantle their own stalls. All stalls must be fit for purpose, kept in good and clean condition and be safe f...
Successful nominations for assets of community value of successful nominations.
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 5. Responsibility statement for tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy
The Place; A new library and university centre are working towards creating a £17m new library and university centre in the former Palmers department store in the Great Yarmouth Market Place.
Repairs service - Who is responsible for what repairs? out who is responsible for the repairs in your home.
Archive of Core Strategy Preparation and Examination information regarding the Core Strategy Examination Library
Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey and survey approach on how the TSM survey was conducted
Private Sector Housing Civil Financial Penalty Policy - Failure to comply with an Improvement Notice - Section 30 of the Housing Act 2004 where a civil penalty may be levied as an alternative to prosecution and relevant considerations as to the level of that penalty - Failure to comply wi...