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Complaint handling code self-assessment

Accessibility and awareness

Compliance status and additional notes for Section 3 criteria of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code
Code sectionCode requirementComply (Yes/No)Evidence, commentary and any explanations

Landlords must make it easy for residents to complain by providing different channels through which they can make a complaint. Landlords must consider their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and anticipate the needs and reasonable adjustments of residents who may need to access the complaints process.


Page 3 of the complaints policy provides information on how complaints are made.

Page 10 of the complaints policy confirms that third party complaints can be accepted.

The Council's website contains an explanation of the policy and provides the option to request the policy in an alternative accessible format:

Corporate complaints and compliments policy - Great Yarmouth Borough Council documentation (

Additional information is also provided on how tenants can make a complaint on the Your Tenancy section of the website

How you can make a complaint - Great Yarmouth Borough Council (

Complaints to the Council can be made in the following ways:

  • email
  • online
  • in person
  • letter
  • phone
  • through the tenant's MP and councillor using an agreed third party
  • advocate
  • solicitor
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • any other reasonable request

The Policy was updated on 1 March 2024 to be compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code 2024. The prior policy included the same wording.

3.2Residents must be able to raise their complaints in any way and with any member of staff. All staff must be aware of the complaints process and be able to pass details of the complaint to the appropriate person within the landlord.Yes

Information on how to make a complaint is available on the Council's website along with a complaints form (which is one available option of how to make a complaint):

How do I give my comments, compliments and complaints? - Great Yarmouth Borough Council (

All Housing Assets Service staff were notified of the updated Corporate Complaints and Compliments Policy, how a resident can make a complaint, including in person via staff. 

3.3High volumes of complaints must not be seen as a negative, as they can be indicative of a well-publicised and accessible complaints process.  Low complaint volumes are potentially a sign that residents are unable to complain.Yes

The Council recognises this point.

3.4Landlords must make their complaint policy available in a clear and accessible format for all residents. This will detail the two stage process, what will happen at each stage, and the timeframes for responding. The policy must also be published on the landlord's website.Yes

Our website includes information on how make comments, complaints and compliments. An annual article in the tenant newsletter promoting complaints with information on the Housing Ombudsman is published. Website has been updated to reflect the updated policy. The website has been updated to reflect the updated policy.


The policy must explain how the landlord will publicise details of the complaints policy, including information about the Ombudsman and this Code.

YesAnnual article in the tenant newsletter promoting complaints with information on the Housing Ombudsman. The Council website has information on the complaints policy and role of the Housing Ombudsman. The Council publishes a copy of the self assessment against the code.

Landlords must give residents the opportunity to have a representative deal with their complaint on their behalf, and to be represented or accompanied at any meeting with the landlord.


See page 10 of the complaints policy: different ways to make a complaint as example third party.

The Policy was updated on 1 March 2024 to be compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code 2024. The prior policy included the same wording.


Landlords must provide residents with information on their right to access the Ombudsman service and how the individual can engage with the Ombudsman about their complaint.


The Council's website provides information on the right to access the Housing Ombudsman's Service and how to contact the Ombudsman. In complaint acknowledgements and responses, the Council states it is compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code and provides contact details for the Housing Ombudsman's Service.

Last modified on 26 June 2024

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