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Safeguarding policy

Appendix 3: Safeguarding reporting procedure

When a member of staff or elected councillor has identified safeguarding concerns they must make every attempt to collate as much evidence as possible. Wherever possible, this information should include, names, dates of births and addresses of those for whom a concern is raised and possible perpetrators. Timings and the nature of the concern should also be recorded.

Safeguarding issues should be reported to one of Designated Safeguarding Officers within Great Yarmouth Borough Council or their manager. If there is a risk of immediate danger or harm to anyone, this must be reported to the police first, by calling 999, and then make a Safeguarding Officer aware. Concerns can also be reported to Adult and / or Children Services.

  • for Adults: A referral can be made by completing the Noroflk County Council form on the Norfolk County Council website, by searching "Help an adult at risk of harm - Norfolk County Council" or by telephone call to Adult Social Services on 0344 800 8020.
  • for Children and Young People: the Norfolk Childrens Safeguarding Partnership (NCSP) oversees Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS). Officers can raise a direct concern about a child or young person by telephoning CADS direct line for professionals (Information available on the

If the Safeguarding concern relates to an adult who works with children and young people, please complete a referral to the Norfolk County Council LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer).

Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs) help to provide advice on whether a referral needs to be made to either Children's Services (if the worries are about a young person under the age of 18) or to Adult Social Care (if the individual is over 18) or to a specialist support agency, or even the Police if it concerns something like domestic abuse. They can help answer questions about consent and information sharing with partners when safeguarding issues are raised.

All Safeguarding concerns, without exception, should be reported on the Safeguarding Report Form which is available on the Great Yarmouth Borough council Intranet. This form is used to make the Borough Council's Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs) aware of a Safeguarding concern and to enable the Operational Safeguarding Lead to monitor case escalation at a Statutory Authority Level. The report also enables detailed analysis of Safeguarding trends to enable targeted support and guidance to concerns within the Borough. 

The following information is needed to complete this report form:

  • details for those people you are raising safeguarding concerns about
  • the type of abuse you believe is occurring
  • details of alleged abusers if known
  • any safeguarding actions already taken for the people of concern
  • details of any other people who may be at risk
  • confirmation of those you have contacted regarding your concerns (line manager, DSOs, external referrals)

If an officer or elected member requires help filling out the form, they should contact a Designated Safety Officer (DSOs).

Last modified on 02 January 2024

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