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Safeguarding policy

10. Safeguarding in Photography

  1. 10. Safeguarding in Photography

    1. 10.1. Data protection legislation applies to photographic and film materials. People have a right to privacy. Some people have used children and young persons' activities and events as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or video footage of children and young people.
    2. 10.2. Staff, councillors, volunteers, contractors, and consultants should not take photographs or video of children involved in Council or community-based activities to which they are invited unless they have sought and received consent for this. Where material is produced by or for the Council, the consent of those appearing in any pictures should always be sought. Details of such materials should listed be on each service's information retention schedules and kept / destroyed in line with these.
    3. 10.3. Where members of the public may expect to take photographs (e.g., birthday parties, sports competitions, etc.), staff, councillors, volunteers, contractors and consultants and anyone working for and/or on behalf of the Council should be vigilant at all times. In such cases, a respectful request to provide identification and contact details should be made. Always report any activity you deem to be inappropriate at the earliest opportunity to staff attending the event, to the manager of the service or event, to the Designated Safeguarding Officer or to the Police. This is a judgement call balancing the protection of individuals and the expectations of the customer.
Last modified on 14 December 2023

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