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Safeguarding policy

11. Recruitment, Induction and Training, Supervision and Appraisal

  1. 11. Recruitment, Induction and Training, Supervision and Appraisal

  2. Recruitment

    1. 11.1. The Council takes all reasonable steps to ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children, young people and adults at risk, through safer recruitment and verification processes. Pre-selection checks for all relevant posts include:
      • completion of an application form and a criminal records self-disclosure
      • where appropriate, consent to check with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for previous convictions
      • receipt of 2 references for the 3 years prior to the application and, if there has been a period of unemployment, references from a character referee
      • substantiation of identity and qualifications
      • eligibility to work in the UK checks
    2. 11.2. Where an employee changes role internally, they will go through a recruitment process which includes completion of the application form. A DBS check will be undertaken for the new role if this is a requirement of the role, before confirming the appointment.
    3. 11.3. All anomalies are investigated and if this identifies concerns which cannot be resolved, the offer of employment is withdrawn.
    4. 11.4. Managers appointing agency staff must always check that the agency has carried out appropriate checks.
    5. 11.5. DBS standard, enhanced and enhanced with barred list checks are undertaken for all staff whose role involves working with children, young people and adults at risk as part of their normal duties, where this falls within the definition of 'regulated activity' under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. Other staff may be checked through the Basic Disclosure process where their role is not covered by DBS but it is felt to be necessary. The Council does not accept checks by previous employers or for other current activities. The list of checks completed, and those due, is held by the HR team. There is a 3-year programme of DBS renewal checks for those staff that require this as part of their role.
    6. 11.6. Councillors are not employees. Legislation states that DBS checks for councillors are not required unless they hold a specific role in relation to children and adults. Councillors are bound by the Council's Code of Conduct and the requirements of the Constitution. They are required to abide by this policy at all times.
    7. 11.7. The Council takes care that contractors and consultants working on its behalf are recruited, informed and monitored appropriately. Contractors and consultants sourced through frameworks through GYBC (South Norfolk Procurement Hub) Procurement have already provided evidence of safeguarding compliance.
    8. 11.8. Managers using the services of any contractor or consultant in areas where they or their staff may come into contact with children or adults with needs of care and support, must check that they have their own Safeguarding Policy or can demonstrate that they will comply with this policy, confirming in writing that they will do so, and that appropriate DBS checks are in place.
  3. Induction and Training

    1. 11.9. Appropriate induction and training enables staff to understand their roles and responsibilities, develop good practice and act confidently. It encourages reporting of good and poor practice, concerns or allegations of abuse. It supports the personal development and wellbeing of staff involved in dealing with cases.
    2. 11.10. All new and existing staff are required to read this Policy and Procedures; all managers must check that all new and existing staff have done so. Those staff without computer access receive a hard copy.
    3. 11.11. Managers must clarify specific role-related expectations regarding safeguarding at induction with new staff, and with existing staff who have regular contact with children, young people and adults with needs for care and support in supervision and appraisal.

      This gives the opportunity for clarification and support to be sought and provided, giving everyone assurance of compliance with the Council's legal duties.
    4. 11.12. Discussing specific cases as they occur, through regular supervision, Team Meetings and annual appraisals enable ongoing training needs to be identified and met for individuals and teams.
    5. 11.13. Managers will agree a timeframe for completing the minimum required safeguarding training for the role.
    6. 11.14. Training for councillors is included in the Councillor Induction Programme following an election and regularly after that point.
    7. 11.15. Compliance with completing training will be audited by the Safeguarding Officer from time to time to monitor compliance.
  4. Supervision and Appraisal

    1. 11.16. People work best when they are well informed, trained and supported. Supervision should improve the quality of practice, support the development of integrated working and ensure continuing professional development. Effective supervision involves regular face-to-face discussion with skilled managers, including reflective practice, to enable staff to work confidently and competently with difficult and sensitive situations.

      This includes:
      • ensuring that service users receive a quality service
      • enabling understanding and implementation of policies and procedures
      • supporting staff to be clear about their responsibilities and accountabilities
      • giving staff opportunities to reflect on, analyse, and evaluate practice
      • giving staff opportunities to discuss best practice and safeguarding concerns
      • providing personal support when dealing with difficult cases
    2. 11.17. Staff leading on dealing directly with complex or distressing cases, involved in case reviews or court cases, etc. will need and should receive appropriate support from their manager or a Designated Safeguarding Officer. This may include regular and ad hoc de-briefs, and opportunities to seek external support for their wellbeing if required.
    3. 11.18. Appraisals should always include discussion of the safeguarding responsibilities of the role and training and development needs of staff who have regular contact with children, young people and adults with needs for care and support. To support personal development and professional competence, manager can identify good practice through:
      • direct observation of the activity or service
      • undertaking case file audits, where appropriate
      • reviewing service user's feedback on the activities or services
    4. 11.19. Team Meetings should also include regular agenda items to share safeguarding information, concerns, and best practice.
Last modified on 14 December 2023

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