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National Fraud Initiative - Why does the Council take part in the National Fraud Initiative? Yarmouth Borough Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers and participates in the Cabinet Office's...
Business rates - Business Rates tax - voice messages and texts voice messages about business rates from Great Yarmouth Borough Council will come from 01493 236114 or 01493 236128, and text...
Notify us that you have changed address the council of a change of address: please complete this form to tell us when you have moved home, either within the Borough or...
Housing benefit overpayments - How do we get the money back? on the way in which overpayments can be paid back to the Council.
Moving out about moving out from a council home.
My Account Support - Introduction Account is our online portal for customers.
Council Tax Overview and Paying - If I receive Universal Credit, does this affect my instalment payment plan? it can. Every change in your income that affects the amount of Universal Credit you are awarded is reported to us on a monthly basis by the Department for W...
Business rates - About business rates rates are taxes paid on business properties. Use our online form to register a new business.
Accessibility statement for Great Yarmouth Borough Council's corporate websites Yarmouth Borough Council is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and...
Contact us and email contact details for various departments at the Borough Council.
24/7 automated telephone and online service on our automated telephone and online service
Council tax statistics (2024/25) - Borough budget for 2024/25 on how the Borough budget breaks down within the Council services.