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What can I do if my neighbours are smoking Cannabis?

I am the landlord - what can I do to stop cannabis being used at my property?

The National Landlords Association has previously said that while they recommend taking references of prospective tenants from former employers or landlords before offering a tenancy, it can also be necessary to make checks on the property after they have moved in. They recommend that these should be carried out quarterly if there are any concerns, but you must make sure you give the tenant or tenants sufficient notice beforehand so as not to disrupt privacy. Lastly, get to know the neighbours and local residents as they can help alert you should they either see or smell what they suspect to be cannabis use on the property.

If you see or smell what you believe to be evidence of cannabis use you should remind the tenants that such actions are in violation of the tenancy agreement. If you continue to find evidence of cannabis usage you may then wish to resort to serving a section 21, or eviction, notice.

Last modified on 19 July 2024

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