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Amenity Standards for Privately Rented dwellings - The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) HHSRS was introduced with the Housing Act 2004 as a new approach to the way individual dwellings are inspected and assessed.
Exclusions status and additional notes for Section 2 criteria of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code.
Complaint handling code self-assessment - How a complaint is defined status and additional notes for Section 1 criteria of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code.
Privacy policy respect and protect the privacy of individuals that use this website which is owned and operated by us. Links within this site to other websites are not cove...
Local validation checklist and planning application forms - Change of use (where no physical and/or operational development is proposed) checklist requirements for a change of use where no physical and/or operational development is proposed.
Recruitment of ex-offenders undertake not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a criminal record check on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed.
Planning obligations and developer contributions Obligations (also known as Section 106 agreements/obligations) are legal obligations related to planning permissions that require developers to underta...
Housing repairs policy - Appendix C - Secure Tenant Right-to-Repair repairs policy details on right to repair.
Local validation checklist and planning application forms - Full planning application checklist requirements for a full planning application.
Fees and Charges 2024-25 - Event and event car parking fees relating to events taking place in Great Yarmouth.
Situation of Polling Stations of Polling Stations
Existing polling areas list of the existing polling area arrangements for the Borough of Great Yarmouth.