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Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members

Confidentiality and Right to Privacy

Employees who disclose experiencing abuse can be assured that the information they provide is confidential and will not ordinarily be shared with other members of staff without their permission.

There are, however, some circumstances in which confidentiality cannot be assured.  These occur when there are safeguarding concerns about children or vulnerable adults or where the employer needs to act to protect the safety of employees.

In circumstances where the Council has to breach confidentiality it will seek specialist advice before doing so.  If it decides to proceed in breaching confidentiality after having taken advice, it will discuss with the employee why it is doing so and it will seek the employee's agreement where possible.

As far as possible, information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis.

All records concerning domestic abuse will be kept strictly confidential.  Confidential records of absences related to domestic abuse may be kept but there will be no adverse impact on the employment records of victims of domestic abuse.

Improper disclosure of information, i.e. breaches of confidentiality by any member of staff will be taken seriously and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Last modified on 15 December 2023

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