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Complaint handling code self-assessment

How a complaint is defined

Compliance status and additional notes for Section 1 criteria of the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code
Code sectionCode requirement (from the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code)Comply (Yes/No)Evidence, commentary and any explanations

A complaint must be defined as:

'an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf,affecting an individual resident or group of residents'.


The policy was updated on 1 March 2024 to be compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code 2024. The prior policy included the same wording.

Corporate Complaints and Compliments Policy (page 9 Complaints Policy for Housing Assets Service).

A complaint is defined as the concern or dissatisfaction of a customer regarding the service, action or lack of action taken by the Council. 

1.3A resident does not have to use the word 'complaint' for it to be treated as such. Whenever a resident expresses dissatisfaction landlords must give them the choice to make complaint. A complaint that is submitted via a third party or representative must be handled in line with the landlord's complaints policy.YesThe policy includes clear reference to accepting complaints from third parties that are authorised to act on the customer's behalf. Responses to these complaints will be issued directly to the authorised party. Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
1.4Landlords must recognise the difference between a service request and a complaint. This must be set out in their complaints policy. A service request is a request from a resident to the landlord requiring action to be taken to put something right. Service requests are not complaints, but must be recorded, monitored and reviewed regularly.Yes

Detailed in the policy (page 9 'Definitons').

The Policy was updated on 1 March 2024 to be compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code 2024. The prior policy included the same wording.


A complaint must be raised when the resident expresses dissatisfaction with the response to their service request, even if the handling of the service request remains ongoing. Landlords must not stop their efforts to address the service request if the resident complains.


Detailed in the policy (page 9 'Definitons').

The Policy was updated on 1 March 2024 to be compliant with the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code 2024. The prior policy included the same wording.


An expression of dissatisfaction with services made through a survey is not defined as a complaint, though wherever possible, the person completing the survey should be made aware of how they can pursue a complaint if they wish to. Where landlords ask for wider feedback about their services, they also must provide details of how residents can complain.


We will ensure that surveys make it clear that tenants can make a complaint separately. Insight surveys where carried out are reviewed monthly and respondents contacted where feedback is negative or where dissatisfaction/comments made.

Last modified on 26 June 2024

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