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Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members

If the Victim and the Perpetrator work in the same organisation

In cases where both the victim and the perpetrator of domestic abuse work in the organisation, the Council will take appropriate action.

In addition to considering disciplinary action against the employee who is perpetrating the abuse, action may need to be taken to ensure that the victim and perpetrator do not come into contact in the workplace.

Action may also need to be taken to minimise the potential for the perpetrator to use their position or work resources to find out details about the whereabouts of the victim.  This may include a change of duties for one or both employees or withdrawing the perpetrators access to certain computer programmes or offices.

The Council encourages all employees to report if they suspect a colleague is experiencing or perpetrating abuse.  Employees should speak to their line manager about their concerns in confidence.  In dealing with a disclosure from a colleague, employers should ensure that the person with concerns is made aware of the existence of this policy. 

Last modified on 14 December 2023

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