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Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members


The Council is committed to ensuring all line managers are aware of domestic abuse and its implications in the workplace.  A blend of information, e-learning, briefings or awareness raising sessions will ensure that all managers are able to: 

  • identify if an employee is experiencing difficulties because of domestic abuse
  • respond to disclosure in a sensitive and non-judgemental manner
  • provide initial support - be clear about available workplace support
  • discuss how the organisation can contribute to safety planning
  • signpost to other organisations and sources of support
  • understand that they are not counsellors

Great Yarmouth Borough Council supports its staff and members to become volunteer Domestic Abuse Champions as part of their substantive role. In doing so Domestic Abuse Champions receive training from specialist support agencies and support from the corporate Designated Safeguarding Officer group.

Last modified on 14 December 2023

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