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Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members

Identification of the Problem

Whilst it is for the individual themselves to recognise they are a victim of domestic abuse, there are signs which may indicate an employee may be a victim.  These may include: 

  • the member of staff may confide in their colleagues/manager.
  • staff may inform their manager that a colleague is suffering from domestic abuse
  • there may be obvious effects of physical abuse (it is important not to make assumptions)
  • it may come to light as a result of enquiries into a drop in performance or a significant change in behaviour
  • it may reveal itself as the background to poor attendance. 

It is essential to understand that any of the above may arise from a range of circumstances of which domestic abuse may be one.  Managers/ Supervisors who support staff in such matters should address the issue positively and sympathetically ensuring that the employee is aware that support and assistance can be provided. 

The Council respects employees' right to privacy.  Whilst the Council strongly encourages victims of domestic abuse to disclose domestic abuse for the safety of themselves and all those in the workplace, it does not force them to share this information if they do not want to. 

Last modified on 14 December 2023

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