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Domestic Abuse policy - Staff and Members

Organisational values and principles related to a Domestic Abuse response

We are committed to developing a workplace culture in which there is zero tolerance for abuse, and which recognises that the responsibility for domestic abuse lies with the perpetrator.  The Council has a 'zero tolerance' position on domestic abuse and is committed to ensuring that any employee who is the victim of domestic abuse has the right to raise the issue with their employer in the knowledge that they will receive appropriate support and assistance.  This policy also covers the approach we will take where there are concerns that an employee may be the perpetrator of domestic abuse. The organisational values and principles we follow in respect of cases of domestic abuse are:

  • integrity
  • collaboration
  • empathy
  • empowerment
  • respect
  • accountability
  • non-judgement and belief
  • being person centred
  • amplifying victim/survivor voice
  • victim/survivor safety 
  • working towards a Co-ordinated Community Response (CCR)

By developing an effective domestic abuse policy and working to reduce the risks related to domestic abuse, we will create a safer workplace and we will also send out a strong message that domestic abuse is unacceptable.

The Council recognises that domestic abuse is an equalities issue and undertakes to not discriminate against anyone who has been subjected to domestic abuse in terms of current employment or future development.

This policy is part of the Council's commitment to wellbeing and seeks to benefit the welfare of individual members of staff; retain valued employees; improve morale and performance; and enhance the reputation of the Council as an employer of choice. 

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1992), the Council recognises its legal responsibilities in promoting the welfare and safety of all staff.  Therefore, this policy applies to staff across all sites as well as agency and contract staff (and elected members). 

We will safely and confidentially record information about the support which has been offered to employees and referrals, for example to Occupational Health (with employee consent) on their personal file, which is held by HR.

Employee Assistance Programme - provided by Norfolk Support Line

Employees have free confidential access to telephone support 24/7, 365 days a year to the Norfolk Support Line, including face to face and virtual counselling, self-help workbooks and podcasts and blogs. They provide a range of information and signposting for practical support for problems at work and at home. To access the service call 0800 169 7676, or go to the Norfolk Support Line website.

Last modified on 15 December 2023

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